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Simboli i Diellit
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Po shifja cmimet e trojeve neper Ballkan. E ne Kosove pervec se mu desht me kuptu se sa asht nje ari vuna re se ne veri tokat jane gati falas ndersa ktej ne qender e jug cmimet i afrohen atyne ne Shqiperi .
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Simboli i Diellit
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Thaci saluting Nikolic with "Dobro Vece" , ruins everything. Kosova's prime minister looks like going to a funeral. U_HrC_GBtno
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Aurora Bulkualis
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This Klemend Balili guy is turning into a legend. Pretty much the Albanian El Chapo. Ilir Meta is closely tied to this guy, and he doesn't want him arrested, because he'll rat out Meta's corruption and ties to Mafia. Meta goes to USA pretending to be pals with US congressmen, but in reality he met with the #2 of International Narcotics Affairs.

Between that and the US Ambassador threatening him lowkey in public with a note, don't be surprised if Meta is being chased down by Interpol in 2 years, and he moves to some country in Africa or something. And people say the USA should mind its own business. No thanks :gezuar:
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Aurora Bulkualis wrote:Unikkatil I've always known but never got into him. His flow is good but I don't really like his hooks. Capital T is another one I've listened to recently.

I really like the disco/electro stuff, or shit like this that reminds me of Stan by Eminem/Dido

Unikkatil is the goat of shqip-hop and I don't even listen his music that much anymore. The mainstream Albanian hiphop is anything but original.

:mecigare: espiacially the second part

And some classics of shqip-hop

The way these shkupjans chopped Fredrick Ndoci's song
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Partia "demokristiane" loolololoolol....
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Wow what a Super Bowl.

If Tom Brady wasn't a proud graduate of the University of Michigan I would admit he is the greatest quarterback ever.

Joe Cool is still GOAT.
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What the majority thinks.

Kafshatë që s'kapërdihet asht, or vlla, mjerimi..
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Migjeni wrote:What the majority thinks.

100% dakort me te. Me duket se ekziston nje fryme ne Kosove qe nqs nuk do flamurin e imponuar te shtetit te Kosoves je kunder pavaresise se Kosoves. Ai flamur s'ka asnje vlere sepse nuk eshte flamur qe ka dale nga vullenti i popullit. Eshte thjesht nje flamur i rreme dhe te them te drejten me pikellon fakti qe po perqafohet nga nje pjese e popullsise Shqiptare ne Kosove.

Tani jam me se i vetedijshem qe Kosova ne kushtet e saj nuk mund te adoptonte nje flamur me simbole te hapura Shqiptare kur shpalli pavaresise po gjithsesi ky flamur s'ka asnje pike vlere. Ato 6 yjet sidomos jane nje shuplake ndaj popullsise Shqiptare qe barazohet me komunitetet minoritare qe s'arrijne as 2-3%. Turp i madh, dhe turp nuk eshte flamuri se ai thjesht nje simbol eshte qe neser nderrohet, eshte thjesht perqafimi i atij simboli krykeput anti-Shqiptar nga nje segment i shtetasve Shqiptare te Kosoves. Bravo ju qofte Plisave dhe VV-se qe s'e kane pranuar ate flamur.
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The propaganda of 'commentators' and the elite in Kosova to accept the new flag and anthem has been crazy. Just last week all week went by with attacks from the said 'commentators' against VV, because they didn't stand for the anthem.

Majority of those who've bought this tale of the new flag are young and ignorant or close with those in power. But the vast majority still rep the red & black.
Kafshatë që s'kapërdihet asht, or vlla, mjerimi..
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