fan base for Albanian football clubs

All about football. Technical discussions, samples, world cup, continental competitions.

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Posts: 196
Joined: Fri Nov 13, 2020 11:34 pm
Team: Bistrica

It's becoming harder and harder
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Joined: Wed Feb 25, 2015 5:21 am
Location: NYC
Team: Partizani

Francisco20 wrote: Thu Aug 04, 2022 8:11 pm Do any of you cheer for your neighbourhood team? Like follow every game, be familiar with every player, and genuinely care about your town's team. I'm used to seeing extreme support for Real Madrid, Barcelona, Bayern Munich, Juventus, etc. from Albanians, but I've never seen one support their own team with their whole heart. Do you or anybody you know have this kind of fandom?
I wanna say I do but I live halfway across the world for more than two decades now and it ain't easy. I do follow Partizani closely but it's hard as teams don't generally care about supporter outreach and they just have some PR/Media person that usually will post stuff on IG/FB. Their twitter presence is non-existent, their last post was in 2015.. From my extended circle of friends here in the US there is only two other people that follow their childhood team (both are Tirana fans). The rest do not care at all and just follow the usual big teams in Serie A, EPL and Real/Barca/Bayern.

Even FSHS does a poor job at supporter outreach and I don't think they have any large media presence. Some British podcaster reached out them to ask them if they could participate in his podcast and no one answered. Meanwhile San Marino had appointed someone as their PR person who ultimately participated in the podcast. The podcaster reached out in this forum and I volunteered to represent Albanians fans in the podcast. The FA is an utter joke that serves mainly to line up the pockets of the president.
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