Rama & Meloni deal

With memories of the golden years (80's) of the albanian football still fresh on her mind, Albania is now attempting to recreate its strong football legacy. As young players start making their names abroad, the future is looking bright for Albanian football!

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Rama i ka zgjidh te gjitha hallet e Shqiperise, pasi fuste hundet pa ja kerku askush per problemet e brendshme te Kosoves tani paska fillu me i zgjidh hallet Italise dhe Melonit. Sa per sqarim nuk jam kunder emigranteve, Shqiperia e ka detyrim me i trajtu ne menyren ma humane secilin emigrant qe e ka destinacion Shqiperine por me u lajmeru vullnetar me marr persiper 36 mije burra te deshperuar ne vit qe destinacion e kan Italine vetem nje psikopat si Edi Rama mund ta bej.
Kuqaloshi maoist
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Absolutisht dakord. Per me teper eshte absurditet ti japesh ekstraterritorialotet nje vendi si Italia pa asnjelloj pergjegjesie. Shume gjera do jene detyrim per Shqiperine dhe nese Italia nje dite terhiqet nga menaxhimi i 30 mije personave do ngelin aty sikur afganet. Partia Demokratike italiane do kerkoje perjashtimin e PS se se Edi Rames nga grupi Socialist Europian.
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Aurora Bulkualis
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Arroganca e Rames ka arritur kulmin. E trajton Shqiperine si prone personale. Pa pyetur askend, pa diskutuar ne parlament, merr vendime si kejo dhe as s'pjerdh fare.

Besoj se ne fund te fundit do kete probleme ligjore dhe humanitare, por SPAK duhet ti arrestoje Meten dhe Berishen sa me pare, qe Shqiperia te kete nje opozite te denje dhe ta heqi ate barbon nga pushteti. Ata te 3 duan ta fundosin vendin duke kapur pozite dhe opozite per 30 vjet.
"Cheap things you can buy in bulk, but Bulku is priceless" Ervin Xhevahir Bulku

The agreement is a disaster and it is not yet know what will occur to the migrants in these camps that are denied refugee status in Italy and cannot be deported.

It has been stated in news articles that only the migrants that have been granted refugee status will be sent to Italy. Those that have their refugee status denied could potentially stay in Albania indefinitely as it is very difficult to deport such persons.

Then there is the issue of all of the migrants sent to Albania will be men and will most likely move out of the refugee camp like in most refugee camps and very likely commit crimes and harras Albanians, especially women and children.
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Rama is a globalist puppet who goes on his knees to Soros and Western leaders.
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Aurora Bulkualis wrote: Thu Nov 09, 2023 5:40 pm Arroganca e Rames ka arritur kulmin. E trajton Shqiperine si prone personale. Pa pyetur askend, pa diskutuar ne parlament, merr vendime si kejo dhe as s'pjerdh fare.

Besoj se ne fund te fundit do kete probleme ligjore dhe humanitare, por SPAK duhet ti arrestoje Meten dhe Berishen sa me pare, qe Shqiperia te kete nje opozite te denje dhe ta heqi ate barbon nga pushteti. Ata te 3 duan ta fundosin vendin duke kapur pozite dhe opozite per 30 vjet.
Rama vazhdon ne traditen autokratike te udheheqseve tane ne kete 100 vite si shtet: Zogu, Hoxha & Berisha. Te gjithe e kane pare Shqiperine si nje ciflig te tyre alla Ali Pasha. Njerez me shpirt demokratik si Fan Noli nuk zgjasin me shume se 6 muaj ne ate vend.

We're not even in the EU and we're doing their bidding while they keep fucking us over and over again. I'd be ok with the deal if they accelerated our path to EU membership but this is only designed to benefit Rama.
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Princ wrote: Thu Nov 09, 2023 6:44 pm Inflating the population of males in any given country is a recipe for disaster. What follows is a scarcity of females, leaving many males single without perspectives on forming a family.

Unmarried men without families have nothing invested in society and nothing to lose. Check out Western Europe for details..
We're not taking them in. My understanding is that the plan is to have them stay in camps while they get processed. It'll be a boon for the Hospitality industry in the winter time like the Afghan refugees who were placed in Lezhe. It's what Rama is banking on and he'll use part of the proceeds for his 2025 re-election campaign.
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Shpresa e vetme qe EU-ja dhe gjykatat italiane nuk do ta lejojn te zbatohet kjo marreveshje sepse eshte e qarte qe Rama po qellon dy zogj me nje gure, po i ben nje favor politik Melonit dhe poashtu oligarkeve te vet duke ju sjell "cheap labour". Shumica prej atyre refugjateve do te qendrojn me muaj dhe vite ne Shqiperi sepse shumica e tyre vijn nga zona lufte dhe Italia nuk ka marreveshje ri-atdhesimi me ato vende prandaj e ka te pamundur ti deportoj ne vendin e tyre te origjines.
Kuqaloshi maoist
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So Italy will not be paying for this project apparently? The already bankrupt Albanian state and it's struggling taxpayers will have to finance and accomodate 30k adult men?

This is just a scandalous proposal and seems disastrous. Why would Albania of all countries be used to be a holding center? And if these migrants do attempt to sneak into Europe from Albania they will be returned to Albania and Albania will be responsible for them?

Rama proposed this without the consent of Albanians and acting as a sole dictator. All to get more brownie points from the West while they continue to back him and he's allowed to continue to steal.
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