Zgjedhjet vendore 2015 ! -Shqipëri

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Simboli i Diellit
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Shqiptaret (ri)zgjodhen ngjyren e tyre te preferuar, ne qe e shohim nga larg Shqiperine, harta e saj sot duket edhe me e bukur, ngjyra roze e ben shume me joshese, e ben me te re, te fresket, te pandalshme drejt arritjeve 105 % te te gjitha projekteve te nenshkruara ne zgjedhjet e 2013-es.
Edhe une votova per rozen nga qyteti ku jetoj, Milano.
Faleminderit Zoti Kryeminister qe me te vertete solle ere rilindjeje ne gjirin e te gjithe emigranteve.
Faleminderit Zonja Qeveri e Shqiperise qe n'a e mundesove votimin nga jashte shqiperise.
Faleminderit Zonja Ministri e Brendshme qe ne bashkpunim te ngushte me Zonjen Ministri te Diaspores administruat me shum zell dhe saktesi proçesin e votimit.
Faleminderit Zonja Konsullate e Pegjithshme e Shqiperise qe na prite me krahe hapur ne zyrat e tua, ne te cilat u bene adetet e votimit.
Pra, faleminderit partise qe me ne fund solli (ri)lindjen edhe ne shtepite e emigranteve, tani ndjehemi: me afer Atdheut, me te lumtur, me te perkushtuar ne realizimin e plote te sistemit demokratik te vertete ne Atdhé.
Po po, te gjitha detyrat e shtepise tashme po shkruhen me doren e majte.
Urime shqiptare!!!!
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Aurora Bulkualis
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Te pakten s'po vriten njerez si ne kohen e Sales, po hajt vl jane 90% e ketyre nga te dyja (treja) anet.
"Cheap things you can buy in bulk, but Bulku is priceless" Ervin Xhevahir Bulku
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Simboli i Diellit
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Aurora Bulkualis wrote:Te pakten s'po vriten njerez si ne kohen e Sales, po hajt vl jane 90% e ketyre nga te dyja (treja) anet.
Jam totalisht i zhgënjym nga te gjitha palët. Që nga procesi i perzgjedhjes se kandidateve e deri te limitimi i kandidateve te pavarur , te gjtha janë manovra anti-demokratike qe limitojne perfshirjen e njerzve me vlera ne fushen politike e mbajne persona te perlyer me krimin ne pushtet . Kto sillen sikur jane padrone te popullit e skuptojne se populli i zgjedh si sherbetor te tij . Sikur te "Ferma e Kafsheve" ne fund kush duhet te ket frike nga kush? At some point somewhere there will come another revolution and these padrino's will meet their fate ...
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Aurora Bulkualis
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Nuk ndodhe revolucion me popull dele. Nuk e kane fajin politikanet qe njerezit i votojne kriminelet, dhe shiten per nje 50 mije lekshe apo thase me miell. Fakti qe LSI eshte akoma parti politike dhe po rritet tregon sa popull vl eshte ai.
"Cheap things you can buy in bulk, but Bulku is priceless" Ervin Xhevahir Bulku
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Simboli i Diellit
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Aurora Bulkualis wrote:Nuk ndodhe revolucion me popull dele. Nuk e kane fajin politikanet qe njerezit i votojne kriminelet, dhe shiten per nje 50 mije lekshe apo thase me miell. Fakti qe LSI eshte akoma parti politike dhe po rritet tregon sa popull vl eshte ai.
Populli eshte lodh por ska vdek , heret a vone do e kuptojne te gjithe se nuk shitet vota. Per kuriozitet shiko pjesemarrjen per çdo rajon : http://www.balkanweb.com/site/
Ka zona ku vetem 18-19% kane votu (Vlora e Durresi) . C'fare vlere morale kane aq pak vota? Ne Lezhe kane votu 79% e popullsise! Si eshte e mundur? Gjitha ato aksidente e akuza parazgjedhore per blerje nga LSI-ja apo manipulime per votat e te burgosurve ne Shenkolle nga ps-ja apo gjuajtjet me arme ne ajer ne prezence te Monica BigHead ... Mua personalisht dhe te afermve te mi ne Milano na eshte ofru bileta falas e avjonit per te shku e votu ne favor te LSI-se po asnji nuk e mori mundin per te shku se qe te dy kandidatet jane vl . Prap besoj se per te arrit ne 79% te popullsise votuese duhet te ktheheshin jashtezakonisht shume emigrante prandaj besoj se mund te kene votuar pa prezencen e emigranteve ;) Edhe ai i PD-se qe ka fitu , ka tre mandate rrjesht qe mban postin e kryetarit te komunes Shenkolle. Nepotism both ways!
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Aurora Bulkualis
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Pjesmarrja eshte 30-40% ne nivel nderkombetar qe eshte tipike per zgjedhje lokale (jo federale) ne perendim. Bile besoj qe eshte me e madhe se sa duket se ne ato lista votuesi jane shume emigrante qe nuk jane kthyer per te votuar.
"Cheap things you can buy in bulk, but Bulku is priceless" Ervin Xhevahir Bulku
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Simboli i Diellit
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LSI partia me e madhe ne Shqiperi, po marrin shumicen e keshillave bashkiake.
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Aurora Bulkualis
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What the f*** is wrong with these people....LSI is usurping PD as the second power, and it's even eating PS votes massively from the inside.

Tirane - PS 35.65 - PD 27.2 - LSI 17.91
Durres - PS 29.91 - LSI 24.25 - PD 23.63
Shkoder - PD 34.04 - LSI 17.61 - PS 12.45
FIer - PS 37.45 - LSI 22.62 - PD 17.59
Gjirokaster - PS 25.99 - PD 22.52 - LSI 21.85

How can you have a functional democracy in a place where so many people sell out their future and their children's future for 50 dollars and sacks of flours and the other crippling majority votes blindly without thinking about the candidates? You can blame the politicians all you want, but this is simple proof that that place is not ready for democracy.
"Cheap things you can buy in bulk, but Bulku is priceless" Ervin Xhevahir Bulku
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Simboli i Diellit
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Aurora Bulkualis wrote:What the f*** is wrong with these people....LSI is usurping PD as the second power, and it's even eating PS votes massively from the inside.

Tirane - PS 35.65 - PD 27.2 - LSI 17.91
Durres - PS 29.91 - LSI 24.25 - PD 23.63
Shkoder - PD 34.04 - LSI 17.61 - PS 12.45
FIer - PS 37.45 - LSI 22.62 - PD 17.59
Gjirokaster - PS 25.99 - PD 22.52 - LSI 21.85

How can you have a functional democracy in a place where so many people sell out their future and their children's future for 50 dollars and sacks of flours and the other crippling majority votes blindly without thinking about the candidates? You can blame the politicians all you want, but this is simple proof that that place is not ready for democracy.
LOL e majta mori 60% e keshillit bashkiak deri tani ne Lezhe ndersa kandidati i LSI-se vetem 45% me partine LSI si subjekt reth 7%, me sa duket nder zonat e vetme qe ka votu me pak ate subjekt. http://www.balkanweb.com/site/surpriza- ... -dhe-klos/
Me marre LSI-ja ne Shkoder ma shume se PS-ja asht me i vu gishtin kokes , 12 % PS-ja ne Shkoder :lol:
Jam kurioz te shof zgjedhjet e ardhshme parlamentare se deri ku mund te mberrije LSI-ja. Per gallat do rregjistrohesha si kandidat i pavarur ne Lezhe siç ben Sazan Guri ne Tirane thjesht per te pa sa mbeshtetje mund te merrja 8-)
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Aurora Bulkualis
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A lot of PS votes have gone to LSI (for obvious reasons), but wouldn't go over to PD if LSI switched over.

Anyhow, the map is pretty dominant by the left. Those places in the south gone to PD are all LSI candidates for mayor, but in parliamentary elections will certainly go to the left.

"Cheap things you can buy in bulk, but Bulku is priceless" Ervin Xhevahir Bulku
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