European Superleague

With memories of the golden years (80's) of the albanian football still fresh on her mind, Albania is now attempting to recreate its strong football legacy. As young players start making their names abroad, the future is looking bright for Albanian football!

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Simboli i Diellit
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Seems like the project will become reality. Althrough Champions League gets 1.3 billions of Euro compared to NFL, MBL and NBA that have like 150 million fans the potential in Europe is quite wasted . Soccer has 1.8 billion fans around the world while NFL barely reaches 150 millions , it's weird seeing that NFL makes 7.5 billion a year while Champions barely reaches 1.5. Having best teams from Europe in this invitational league would have great outcomes in the finances of big clubs around Europe . This way football in Europe would contrast the Chinese's aproach to football stars.
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Let all the best players in the world go to this league and the rest of the leagues should go back to the days when guys who have day jobs working in factories and shit are playing for the clubs.

Club football is dead once this goes through. Gonna need to find a new sport to watch at that point. Might try hockey out.
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Simboli i Diellit
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I'm not against this . It's boring watching Juventus play half the games against teams like Pescara, Empoli. While you would have Juventus-Real, Bayern-Arsenal , Napoli - Barcelona, Milan-Liverpool, Inter-Psg ect every single week . The gaps from top clubs with the rest in their leagues has become quite big. For albanian football nothing would change , champions league obviously would become like a second division of NFL . Best players around the world would like to play for the league teams. Sorry for your Lazio but they'll been failing in Europe in all competitions, this way they'd have a chance to win Serie A ;)
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Simboli i Diellit wrote:I'm not against this . It's boring watching Juventus play half the games against teams like Pescara, Empoli. While you would have Juventus-Real, Bayern-Arsenal , Napoli - Barcelona, Milan-Liverpool, Inter-Psg ect every single week . The gaps from top clubs with the rest in their leagues has become quite big. For albanian football nothing would change , champions league obviously would become like a second division of NFL . Best players around the world would like to play for the league teams. Sorry for your Lazio but they'll been failing in Europe in all competitions, this way they'd have a chance to win Serie A ;)
Liga po te ishte ne doren e klubeve atehere do ishte krijuar shume vite me pare. UEFA nuk do te pranoj ne asnje rrethane te heq dore nga pushteti per te rritur fitimet e klubeve nga te drejtat televizive, nese do te kete rebelim te klubeve dhe krijim te liges atehere do te jete ne "ilegalitet" te plote. Perjashtimi nga ligat perkatese dhe pamundesimi i futbollisteve qe marrin pjese te lujn futboll internacional do jene disa prej masave te UEFA-s dhe FIFA-s. Arsyeja pse futbolli ka 1.8 miliard shikuesh ne bote eshte pikerisht se modeli, sistemi i garave dhe organizimi qe eshte krejtesisht i kundert me sportet amerikane.
Kuqaloshi maoist
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Simboli i Diellit
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Uefa nuk e ka gjithe ate fuqi qe te perjashtoje direkt klube qe kane ba historine futbollit kontinental. Vete Uefa iu dorezu presjoneve te klubeve e qe nga 2018 Champions League do te kete nje format te ri. Vete UEFA e FIFA me rregulloret qe ka ne fuqi ua lejon ligjerisht formimin e nje lige te tille. Ne shtator duhet te kemi referendumin per pamvaresine e Katalonjes , ne rast se ndahet nga Spanja ateher Barcelona perjashtohet nga drejtuesit e La Ligas . Kjo eshte alternative e mire per gjitha klubet. Vetem ne Shqiperi ekziston koncepti Superlige-Federate , jane mundu shume here te pakten sic prononcohet Duka and co qe liga profesioniste e futbollit te administrohej nga vete klubet sic ndodh random neper Europe por nuk ka qene e mundur pasi klubet te ne kane mijera probleme e per rrjelloje Superliga Shqiptare, Kategorite e tjera, Arbitrat varen direkt nga federata qe heret a vone sjellin ne konflikte interesi te drejtperdrejta. Normalisht qe klubet qe do ishin pjesmarrese ne Superligen europjane do terhiqeshin vete nga ligat kombetare. UEFA e FIFA shumicen e funksionareve i kane nga ish lojtare te ketyre klubeve e si rrjelloje nuk do mund te aplikoheshin sanksione te tilla qe te nxirrnin ne ilegalitet Ligen apo te pezullonin lojtaret. Sikur dicka e tille te ndodhte me gjithe lobingun qe kane ato klube do krijonin nje Kupe bote tjeter me te mire se kjo e reja e Coca cola's qe ka 70% te pjesmarresve nga afrika , azia e amerika . Ne fund te fundit kush do e shifte nje Kupe Bote pa Messi, Ronaldo, Suarez, Neymar, Bale, Griezman, Iniesta, Neuer, Pogba, Modric, Muller, Lewandovski, Vidal, Aguero .... ... 98899.html
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